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CIRAC in the Media

Podcast Pflegestützpunkt. How we care and want to care

Nightshift#8: Klaus Wegleitner and Ulla Kriebernegg

12 hours on duty with all nurses!

10:30 p.m. – Klaus Wegleitner, Sorgenetz & Ulla Kriebernegg, Center for Interdisciplinary Aging and Care Research, University of Graz

About care work and how social awareness can be strengthened in order to place it at the center of our lives.

The care base was live on air all night on the occasion of the international day of care and stayed awake together with the nursing staff. In addition to cultivated conversations with many live guests, there were readings, lots of cultivated music and an online care dance flash mob as an exciting experiment.

Broadcast: https://helsinki.at/program/116261/

Podcast with Klaus Wegleitner: "Caring Community": Wie stellt man Lebensräume bestmöglich auf eine alternende Gesellschaft ein?

Zeitpolster - Der Podcast fürs clevere ÄLTERWERDEN / Time Cushion - The podcast for clever AGEING

#10 with Klaus Wegleitner: "Caring Community" How do you best adapt living spaces to an aging society?

Zeitpolster - Der Podcast fürs clevere ÄLTERWERDEN

Sociologist Klaus Wegleitner is active both in the academic environment and in practice in the fields of age and care. He worked in the hospice/palliative care sector, and now he is is a researcher at the Center for Interdisciplinary Aging and Care Research (University of Graz) and is the chairman of the "Sorgenetz" association in Vienna.

In this conversation, he explains what the term "Caring Community" means, and what it takes for civil society and the political framework to support our lives in the best possible way in the various phases of life.

Using the “Achtsamer 8.” initiative in the 8th district in Vienna, he explains how projects, courses and places can be created that are beneficial for seniors. What is important when you want to involve people in initiatives? How do local conditions affect society's sense of responsibility/initiative?


Klaus Wegleitner

Sorgenetz, Verein zur Förderung gesellschaftlicher Sorgekultur. Leben, Alter, Demenz und Sterben.

You can listen to the podcast here (in German)

Podcast: Arqus Teaching Award 2022

Speakers: Kathrin Otrel-Cass, Ulla Kriebernegg, Matthias Klatt; Host: Gerhild Leljak

In this episode of the Arqus podcast, Gerhild Leljak at the University of Graz is talking to 3 nominees for the Arqus Teaching Excellence Award. She is talking with Kathrin Otrel-Cass (Institute of Education Research and Teacher Education), Ulla Kriebernegg (Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Aging and Care), and Matthias Klatt (The Foundations of Law) about the Arqus award and (their) teaching.

Listen to the podcast here

More on the Arqus Teaching Award: here

Podcast: The Caring Society is a Trusting Society

Podcast of the Caritasverbands der Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart, Episode 6: The Caring Society is a Trusting Society

Guests for this episode: Gert Dressel and Klaus Wegleitner from Sorgenetz Wien

Listen here: https://podcast98e29f.podigee.io/7-neue-episode

Language: German




CIRAC on Ö1 (National Public Radio)

Ulla Kriebernegg and Klaus Wegleitner discussing "aging as risk" with Margarete Engelhardt-Krajanek (in German).

New issue of the Unizeit: "Can we take a deep breath now?"


Breaking out
The pandemic has drastically restricted our freedom of movement. Why do we push back against these restrictions? What freedoms are we entitled to and how can we take them?

Ulla Kriebernegg: “Locked up for protection”

Read here (in German)



Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Aging and Care
Schubertstraße 23/I
8010 Graz

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