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Doctoral Symposia on Aging & Care

Doctoral Symposia on Aging and Care is a series of events organized by the Doctoral Student Group of the Age and Care Research Group Graz and will be held twice a year, one in spring, and the second one in fall. By collaborating with partners outside the research group, the symposium offers young researchers a networking platform at an early stage of their academic work. It also makes current and ongoing research at the four universities in Graz visible and offers an early-career-platform within the Age and Care Research Group Graz. 

The Age and Care Research Group Graz appreciates the academic involvement of emerging scholars and supports the interdisciplinary exchange on a global scale. The symposia offer its participants a space that allows for an interdisciplinary discussion and support the foundation of a global pre-doctoral network at an early career stage.

The first symposium took place on February 25/26, 2021. The program can be found here

The second symposium on Aging, Care, and Migration took place on October 19/20, 2021 (in collaboration between the HuK Clusters "Aging, Demography and Care" and "Migration"). For more info click here.



Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Alterns- und Care-Forschung
Schubertstraße 23/I
A-8010 Graz

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